Friday, August 20, 2010

What I've Been Up To

I know posting has been sparse lately but it is because I have been working on creating a photo album for our parents. Whew, I know why photographers charge so much for those puppies... they are A LOT of work! Here is what I came up with:
Would you change anything? If so, what, and should I move it, delete it, add it?


  1. Hi,
    I am writing a book which is a collection of the romantic stories of how couples met. I would love you to share your "how we met" story. The book and blogspot are called;
    "So...How Did You Meet Anyway?"
    you can see some of the stories I've collected at:
    and you can contact me at:
    Thanks for considering.
    Take care.

  2. I love what you've done with the album! How has your experience been with Blurb? I'm hoping to use them for our photo guestbook...I just can't seem to get the pictures to the right resolution.

    PS-Tag You're It!
